

Emotiv neuroheadset

The Emotiv EPOC neuroheadset allows sampling and recording the brain activity in high resolution, so it can be processed in a PC linked to it by a wi-fi connection. This helmet is a new kind of human-computer interface, it has several sensors moistened with a saline solution that are used to detect basics thoughts from the user, as well as his feelings and emotions, including his facial gestures.

These signals are captured by the PC and they can be processed to do a number of different things such as moving objects in the computer screen or controlling an avatar inside a computer video game. Another interesting application could be simulation of key presses, even mouse movements in order to control the operating system programs.

The Emotiv Development Kit includes detection libraries and the control panel software to select the different user profiles and to monitor signals from the neuro-headset. Also you can use the Emotiv API and the detection libraries in your own programs. Finally, using the control panel you will be able to easily train the expressive and cognitive modes.

Plus, a signal emulator is available to be used in the debugging stage of the applications development so the helmet is not needed to testing the program.

READ THE BOOK: CoMVeT. Control Mental de Vehículos Teledirigidos in Google Books (spanish)


This project consists in a description about the Emotiv software development kit, their working modes and a review of the API supplied. Furthermore we will make the development of the application in order to move a remote-controlled car using the mind writing a computer program to process the signals coming from the helmet. Next, we will build an interface in order to link the computer with the remote control of the car. Finally, we will propose several improvements as well as a few applications of the project developed.


Using functions and structures from the API included in the Emotiv SDK we will develop a Visual C++ program in order to process and decode the signals coming from the Emotiv neuroheadset and to send control signals to the parallel port of the computer. Also, the program will have a graphical interface to set up the working parameters and to check the system state.

The hardware interface will adapt the signals present in the lines of the parallel port into the right levels so they can be connected to the remote control of the car. To do that, a power circuit will be used.

All these parts will be used to identify the brainwave activity patterns that were previously trained and generate control signals in the parallel port so they can move the radio-controlled car via the hardware interface. Next figure presents the block diagram describing the interaction between the different parts of the project.

All components of the project
All components of the project


To develop the processing program, a Visual C++ IDE will be used meanwhile to design the hardware interface and the printed circuit board, we will use a specific software which allows generate the Gerber files of the project.

Finally, the interface will be connected to the car's remote control in order to emulate the manual operation, so it will be able to transmit via radio the control signals coming from the parallel port of the PC. Using standard connectors we are going to facilitate the connection between a number of different devices without change anything in the circuit.



Demo videos of the CoMVeT project.


Below, an advertising video showing some of the features of the Emotiv EPOC neuroheadset:

And next, another video (longest than the previous one) in which Tan Le, co-founder and president of Emotiv Systems, gives a live demo of the Emotiv EPOC neuroheadset and the components of the SDK:

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